Freshwater and Saltwater Placement Skids & Pumps
Salt Water Disposals are a high pressure, high volume pump systems that are used to inject produced water into a disposal well.

Advanced Separation Technology
Many separators look identical from the outside, even to experts. But smarter internals are what create true value—establishing conditions that let physics do its job more efficiently. Our innovative internals might not be visible from the outside, but they’re easy to see when looking at KPIs. Learn more about how our technology can get you better value.
With many OEMs, you get what you get. But Westerman brings focused application engineering, proprietary technology, and logistical efficiency to your well pad to improve overall throughput. That’s why we’re able to deliver more value to customers than commodity providers. Because true savings demand insight first.

Have a unique well-pad separation or storage challenge?
We want to hear about it. Contact a Westerman well-pad consultant.